Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday Night Lights....One of the best shows on television and no one knows it

I have to admit that until recently, I was one of those people that didn't know the greatness of Friday Night Lights. After quickly watching every episode available on Hulu (around 40 episodes), I'll admit that the show is highly addicting. I guess the fact that I watched over 30 hours of the show in less than a week proves how addicting it can be. While its faults are numerous (the realism, Jason Street's character, the first half of season 2, how every game is decided by the final play), the show provides a highly entertaining look at high school football in Texas. The character development and personal relationships are where FNL really shines while mixing in plenty of situational humor. Tim Riggins has quickly become one of my favorite TV characters of all time. At the risk of providing any spoilers, I will refrain from any further details or opinions. Season 3 is currently premiering on NBC every friday night and is available online immediately after (NBC or Hulu are two of your viewing options). The main message is simply this: Watch this show.

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