Friday, May 1, 2009


Since 1980, the Lions have drafted 12 quarterbacks (Stafford is 13). The highest QB rating any of them has had with the Lions is 95.0. Unfortunately, this QB is Drew Stanton, who has played a total of three games with the Lions. The other QBs and their stats with the Lions:

1980 - Eric Hipple (Utah State) 102 games - 68.7
1982 - Mike Machurek (Idaho State) 4 games - 8.3
1984 - John Witkowski (Columbia) 5 games - 58.0
1986 - Chuck Long (Iowa) 23 games - 64.8
1988 - Danny McCoin (Cincinnati) 0 games
1989 - Rodney Peete (USC) 47 games - 72.9
1990 - Andre Ware (Houston) 14 games - 63.5
1998 - Charlie Batch (Eastern Michigan) 48 games - 76.9
2001 - Mike McMahon (Rutgers) 20 games - 55.0
2002 - Joey Harrington (Oregon) 58 games - 68.1
2005 - Dan Orlovsky (Connecticut) 12 games - 71.3
2007 - Drew Stanton (Michigan State) 3 games - 95.0

What do all these quarterbacks have in common? A few have had decent NFL careers. None have been the answer for the Lions at quarterback. I have not researched other teams draft picks since 1980 (that would be a lot of work), but I doubt few, if any, teams have come anywhere near this level of futility over the past 30 years. So excuse me if I don't have high hopes for Stafford. Tamales.

1 comment:

  1. Fun stat: Eli Manning's career passer rating is 76.1. Chaz Batch > SB winning QB set to make about $8 million (I think) this year.

    Also, a reason to believe more in Stafford than in most of the other turds the Lions have drafted: with the exceptions of Rodney Peete and Chuck Long, none of those jokers went to a school with a real football program. Stafford did.
