Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Detroit, You Suck at Drawing

The Detroit News recently had a contest to design a new logo for the Lions. The winning entry received one resounding "meh" from me... but since no one asked me my opinion (assholes!) I'll just make fun of the people who took the effort to send in entries. Aaah, the anonymity of the internet feels like a nice, warm, comforting blanket. So many of the entries were just plain fucking terrible though. I was going to add in more words to that last sentence so I could link to more pictures but, whatever, you folks get the point.

Half the time I was trying to figure out if the Detroit NFL team was the Bears or the Hedgehogs. Seriously people , how fucking hard is it to draw a muscular, wild killing machine (a lion, not Chris Benoit)? Like 90% of you don't even have jobs - practice a bit before you send your drawing of a prolapsed asshole that is (allegedly) supposed to be a lion.

I missed the deadline unfortunately, so it's too late for me to submit my drawing of Marinelli riding a giant penis. I'll go ahead and just post it here for your viewing pleasure though.

I couldn't get the scrotum to look quite right though. The testicles are too rounded. Wait. Everyone else has really blocky testicles and it's not just me... right? RIGHT?!?

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